iPhone 4S Take Apart Repair Guide
June 4, 2018 | 0 Comments

This detailed take apart repair guide for the Apple iPhone 4S has been compiled by the RepairsUniverse team to show proper disassembly. Following this video repair guide will insure a safe and quick repair is made on your iPhone 4S. Click here for more information about cracked iPhone 4S screens.
This guide will help you to install the following iPhone 4S parts:
- iPhone 4S LCD + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly Replacement - Black
- iPhone 4S LCD + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly Replacement - White
- iPhone 4S Battey Replacement
- iPhone 4S Speakers and Headphone Jacks
- iPhone 4S Flex Cable Replacements
- And Other iPhone 4S Repair Parts
Tools Required:
iPhone 4S Screen Repair Video:
It is recommended to thoroughly watch the video before attempting repairs.
iPhone 4S Back Cover Replacement Guide:
iPhone 4S Battery Replacement:
To simply reassemble your iPhone 4S, use this video in reverse.
iPhone 4S LCD, Touch Screen Digitizer, & Battery Replacement Summary:
Using this summary in correlation with the video will insure proper instructions are given and a safe repair is made.
- First turn off the iPhone 4 and remove the sim card. Remove 2 screws from the bottom of the phone using either a small Phillips screwdriver or a special 5 point screwdriver, depending on when the iPhone 4 was manufactured. Push up the back cover and then lift to remove. Remove the small screw on the battery connector using a small Philips screwdriver.
- Use a safe pry tool to pop out the battery connector. Using the tap, lift up the battery. Using a small Philip screw driver removes the 5 screws. Ease off the metal shield.
- Remove two more small Philip screws. Lift out the vibrator motor using a safe pry tool. Remove the 5 pop connectors at the top of the phone. Using the safe pry tool, release the pop connector for the camera. Gently lift the camera out.
- Release the pop connector of the flex ribbon using a safe pry tool. Ease the flex ribbon back then remove the small Philip screw on beneath and also the one on the right on the phone.
- Using a safe pry tool to pop off the antenna cable. Lift out the speakers gently. Remove two more screws and lift out the motherboard. Remove the 6 big screws free on each sides.
- There are also 4 small screws one on each corner also needs to be removed. Use a safe pry tool and run it between the glass and the metal frame. Ease the screen out slowly and gently pull the cables through the gap.
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